Brand Story.

Brand History
Yi Poh - Our Story
Many people has asked how the name ‘Yi Poh’ came by? Without hesitation, Mr CK THONG – The founder of Yi Poh Lo C Fun answered ‘Yi Poh is how people address Grand Aunt in Cantonese.’ Together with his grandparents they migrated to Malaya from China to escape poverty and political chaos in the mid 30s. And once they settled down in Seremban, his grandfather reared chickens and pigs to support the family. For additional income they opened a kopitiam named 中兴(Zhong Hin) in 1948 to sell Loh Shee Fun (LSF) & breakfast by the road side under a big tree in Jalan Templer. (namely Setul 沙都口) His Yi Poh was put in charge of the noodles stall. In the year 1954, she took over the stall and started selling noodles for only 5 sen a bowl, noodles topped with mince pork and slices of char siew. Back then the business hours were really short starting at 6am and ended around 8am daily. For decades, she dishes out bowls & bowls of LCF with her superb skills. Her perseverance & persistence towards the noodles brings her fame among the locals. Until today, the older generations still remembered how strict her attitude towards to dish out a perfect bowl of noodles for all of her customers. Unfortunately, Yi Poh opted for retirement in 1989 due to old age. She intended to pass on this recipe but none of the family members were interested. In 1993, Mr CK Thong was back to his hometown – Seremban, after years of working in a factory. He really missed the good old days how his Grand Aunt and Grandmother operate their family’s Kopitiam. He missed the atmosphere how the locals mingling around. He still remembered every single moment and childhood memories happened in the Kopitiam. Back then his girlfriend and now his wife reminded him of his Grand Aunt and her loh shee fun was one of the best in town and why not set up a stall and continue her legacy. He immediately resisted as it would be a complete turnaround from a desk job to a hawker and he said ‘No way Jose’ but the pressure from his job keeps on mounting until he changed his mind. After a consideration, Mr CK Thong seek guidance from his Grand Aunt. She gave Mr CK Thong strict instructions on what, where and how to seek the best ingredients. She was so happy at that time that finally a member in the family to inherit the family recipe. In the beginning, it was tough and required a full time dedication. He started from scratches on how to setup everything, then he realized how difficult those days his ancestors earn for a living. Even so Mr CK Thong wants to continue his Grandparents and Grand Aunt’s legacy. To commemorate his Grand Aunt, hence the shop was named ‘Yi Poh Lo C Fun’. And that was how Mr Thong’s business grew from a tiny stall to a shop in Jalan Limbok, Seremban and today he owns branches in Klang Valley.

姨婆老鼠粉 故事
姨婆老鼠粉 --- 我们的故事
在中国国共内战战乱时期,创办人汤先生的爷爷为了逃离在中国的战乱连夜逃离至南洋寻找生计,于是漂洋过海到了马来亚森美兰芙蓉落地生根。 当他来到马来亚时,发现很多中国同胞都逃难来到这里 没有粮食吃 于是他打算用他的手艺尽量去帮助他的同胞们。 从那天起,爷爷拿着石磨,用米浆制作当时还没叫老鼠粉的面 售卖给当地工作的同胞们。 由于粉面形状酷似老鼠的尾巴,所以那时候那碗面就成了那代人口中的老鼠面。 因为30年代初期,当时的人们实在太穷了 却能用很廉价的价钱购买到这碗面 已经是很大的满足了。 由于创办人汤先生的爷爷兼顾不了各种的生意,于是他把这个面挡生意交给妻子的妹妹。那时候姨婆为了养活生计默默坚守着爷爷的秘方。 姨婆决定在榕树下接手面挡生意,由于老鼠粉口感独特和香气扑鼻的配料配上特制的辣椒酱让许多人都希望赶上姨婆打烊之前享用这个美食。但那时候姨婆的营业时间很短暂,所以让许多人都吃了闭门羹。姨婆默默坚守了41年直到1989选择了退休生活。 1990年代 汤先生那时候的他 刚刚出来社会 找过很多工作也很厌倦在办公室一成不变及乏味的生活。所以决定创业。 回到家乡,懵懵懂懂的他自己开一个面挡售卖普通面食,但由于经验不足在这半年里 生意都不太理想。这个时候他太太就问他,你还记得你当时的初衷吗?沉思一番后,我便把我童年在姨婆档口的故事给他听,也把“如果能卖到姨婆的味道 生意一定很好”的想法告诉太太。我太太听后便说 既然你那么喜欢你姨婆的食物 那你为什么不向他学厨呢?我便以不想打扰姨婆的理由敷衍了事。 在这期间,他经营的普通面挡快要支撑不下了,这时候 他太太劝他别放弃 鼓励他去找姨婆拜师。他便硬着头皮去探望他的姨婆,希望姨婆能指点厨艺和经验。 当时正在打麻将的姨婆说:‘茪仔,你知道我在等着你吗?你开面挡为什么不找我,你是忘记我这个姨婆吗?’ 我震惊的愣在那里,也很感恩原来我的姨婆有意传受给我的念头。当天 我马上向姨婆讨教,便认真学习。在这几个月里,姨婆耐心严格的教导我所有食材的配方 也告诉我这碗面的历史。 当汤先生出师了,便开始售卖姨婆老鼠粉。由于经营的是大排档,附近的食客就闻到那股熟悉的香味。 有个顾客光顾了汤先生的面食,认定了这个熟悉的味道。于是便开口问了汤先生 此面食是不是在榕树下的那档老鼠粉?他也默认了。 一传十,十传百。很多人因为想念的味道终于回来了,于是顾客纷纷慕名而来。 当时候的档口 还未有招牌,于是太太便建议他 为了纪念姨婆,而取名为‘姨婆老鼠粉’。 很多人好奇为什么姨婆老鼠粉是长的?长得跟濑粉 一摸一样? 特别是吉隆坡和外坡人 非常好奇。 你们会称这种面食为 “濑粉,米台目,长白面” 但是,在森美兰芙蓉的我们都一定称它为老鼠粉。 虽然老鼠粉对其他人来说 是一种很奇怪的名字,但是对于我们芙蓉人来说 它不只是一种普通的面食而是一种很特殊的情感。跨越了近世纪的经营,各种艰难的波折下,从榕树下河边的大排档到茶室档口,再租店铺,拥有了自己的店铺后再有了连锁店,过程波折断断,充满回忆。 一个经历了 历史洗礼的食物,一个属于我们的回忆。